2 days

Dear friends,

  • You now have 2 days left to reserve your stall.
    • For members: the reservation of your stand is not included automatically in your membership. You must order it separately. The exhibitor badge is replaced by your membership badge. You only need an assistant badge for, well, your assistants.


  • Your envelope with your badges will give you opening hours of the venue and parking. We will be uncompromising on these schedules. Arriving too soon will only clog up traffic.
    • All the badges for complete and paid for reservations are in the post.


  • Stalls that are not paid for must be as quickly as possible otherwise the badges will not reach you in time. This will make things less comfortable for you on Sunday morning.
    Next year we will be strict on this, the terms and conditions will be applied to the letter after these 3 years of transition.


  • We received an extra prize to put in the raffle. This wooden pinhole camera is gifted to us by Lerouge.
    If you would like a ticket, these are available on the site.




  • For those who are worried about the change of address and the consequences of this you can visit the following page:  https://photographia-asbl.com/?p=3050
    It contains the numbers that will allow you to judge our communication efforts. We apologize for not providing you with a translation.


  • If you have any worries or problems please feel free to contact us. There is always an explanation / solution.