Model/Photographer meeting

New address :

Avenue Orban 73

A photographer and model meet-up is organised for Occaphot’ 2017 in collaboration with the non-profit Photoviews.


Whether you are a model or a photographer bring your portfolio along and plan for great collaborations.

A studio space will be set up with a background and lighting for you to make a few quick tests.


You are a model ?

You must sign-up to this meet with Photoviews. They will add you to the guest list. Just come to the till on the day, show us a piece of ID and voilà!. You’ll find all the necessary information on the Photoviews website and in their newsletters.


You are a photographer?

It’s an all in one event, what more could you want! We will have gear for sale, art for show, models to meet, somewhere for you to advertise, a message board, a tombola!


Meet up with us on December 3rd at

L’athénée Royal Crommelynck
Avenue Orban 73
1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre


For further details click here.